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lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014

Weekly Quote

15 comentarios:

  1. A person can be everything to another, we must also maintain the trust given to us because we care for it because it is a treasure that is what gives life and marriage to friendship, everything moves through the trust.

  2. JOSE IGNACIO CAUICH CAUICH10 de noviembre de 2014, 18:06

    This phrase has something important in common because it tells you what you propose must never stop sigh why do you propose and push through everything that we propose in our daily life.
    Jose Ignacio Cauich Cauich 1 A

  3. that to find what you want you have to give meaning to your life.

  4. Well first of all I really liked this sentence because it is true in our heart is a treasure that we must discover to make sense of it all ..
    By: jaquelin cauich dzul

  5. each week as the phrase is beautiful and motivating makes us make sense of our stuff, abit, customs etc. The phrase inspires you to go and find the treasure the reason of things.
    Anayanci Tzuc Couoh 1°A

  6. we must learn to value and protect all that you need is our love and protection always give my best for this or that person who just deserves it :)
    by: Densy Ruiz

  7. I like this phrase because as things are dicelas not only because if they have a meaning and the reason why and with our heart we can rise to meet you all this
    Carlos Jesus Solis Marrufo 1A

  8. Good sentence! Because we must strive to what neitherof them wants one and I will not rest until we do and enjoy our effort.
    Juan José Chuc Poot- 1-A

  9. saul balam colli
    sentence says that life is in one place and we do everything pocible devemos to go on and achieve that if we fail at once deve do all the effort parapoder achieve

  10. They must find not your heart if not the heart of another person who will be your greatest treasure and you will find the meaning that

    Jahzeel Poot 1°A

  11. understand the sentence to make sense of life we have to be good people because the heart is our tesosro I think it is love and that is essential to a human being because that is what gives meaning to life and stay alive by Fatima Marisel Tún Poot .

  12. this very nice and especially the phrase is true we occasionally happen in everyday life. adriana guadalupe dzib poot

  13. our hearts may be in another treasure that can pretense us to the person we love, and we must find our elk resort to give order to the point of all our hearts can not only be in a persona that we just can be our treasure in nester family who love us so much not only to have our hearts person that just may be our treasure outran person can find my heart is in my treasure
    Deshacer cambios
    maría dolores llanes Domínguez

  14. This phrase pleased me because it speaks of the most important treasure we have and we appreciate very confident and not we ourselves know that reason is important because it is what will help to all and in our hearts
    Jesús Antonio Uc Canul 1 A

  15. I like this phrase because the content is specified mui clear to us what abla esonos aer always pushes things as well not always cometre errors


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