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viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

Weekly Quote 3-B

22 comentarios:

  1. This phrase caught my
    attention because it says a lot
    more than the truth and I can
    apply in my life cotiana. that
    sometimes there are people
    who become very important in
    your life but with the passage
    of time in your life but will
    always remain in your heart.
    This phrase is very nice and
    told me many things.
    Elsa Pool Dzib

  2. This phrase caught my
    attention because it says a lot
    more than the truth and I can
    apply in my life cotiana. that
    sometimes there are people
    who become very important in
    your life but with the passage
    of time in your life but will
    always remain in your heart.
    This phrase is very nice and
    told me many things.

  3. Very nice text and design that always will have a person to what we need but that person did not stay long conosotros only lead us to choose a good path we see that few things we aver eseñan reality
    att. fabiola yudiht cab dzib 3b

  4. that sentence is telling the truth because sometimes we have to know or accept that no person who can only esar in our hearts in our lives hasi such a relationship partner can sometimes psar that person you love or want to not be stand by your side and you better tell god or let it go because it can only be in your heart and that love is not as you expected so when you have something to value it because you never know when you can lose but that iamagen if I leave a enseñanaza that is really cute every Friday greetings

    Diana Laura Mendez Kin :")

  5. I think in life there are q q ouedes people qerer apresiar be in your heart but not be part of your life can qerelas q but not love them bi mariana borgez

  6. this phrase in sign q no q do not fully trust us q not a person is with you for life ... that person will always be in your heart.PEDRO MANUEL BALAM PAT

  7. We designed this phrase that people do not always permaneseran forever in your life that at some point in your life seban ]

  8. This frace tells us that people are very important to the memory of the heart. and we must always remember, they are important.
    ATT: jaquelin quinta.

  9. my I found very interesting because it talks about something very true because we often want both a person and still want this around you often can never be

  10. It is desert on some occasions we do not always have that person that we want in our lives forever. as either a problem or situations that occur and perhaps can not be remedied, but still without the Remain person in our life remains in the heart.
    Laura Alejandra Dzul Pool

  11. This phrase is very true as we often spend much as when we love someone but you can not have on our side and lives that feeling anymore in our hearts or too often happens with loved ones when you are no longer our side but still remain in our hearts
    lizeth ariel ucan nah 3*b

  12. not all people can be our friends but we can not get along well with everyone just our real friends can stay in our hearts and in our lives so that it proves to be a true friendship
    juan valentin dzul cauich

  13. I think only the most important people in our lives that remain in our hearts if our true friend will be in our life
    sinai canul balam

  14. I think that only we can see who left in our hearts and in our lives and who does not because if he claims to be our friend our anistad is bigger than others
    sandra canul canche

  15. I think that what he says the image it is
    true that sometimes already in our hearts
    we can yevar to people who are not with us,
    the phrase relates much to our life as we
    can go to journal with our family or with a
    friend to remind ourselves and that is no
    longer with us

    Fernando llama dzul

  16. We have to realize that there are people who are part of our life and they are for anyone else but there are some that are in our hearts as we say when we have a boyfriend or someone special that person is at that moment that you feel something but since the discussions when they have to be separated and can not end your life with that person but still you carry in your heart that it was something from you.

  17. is a little hard when the gien you are toasting your heart and then you destroy not always estran on your side is when mo ments happy you spent with heya or with what bas forgetting what bas blurring of you life that will not always be by your side... jorge Argenis can chuil 3 B ....

  18. As in this sentence what design is very desert that some people will remain forever in our hearts, but not into Our life for example people who die long occupy a place in our hearts.
    Att: Andrea May Puc.

  19. I like this phrase because to understand you'll have to remember those who are gone and to remind you to take an occasional smile for the good times you spent with them but for some reason had to go in your life but remember as if you had seen yesterday.

    Emmanuel Juan Valdez Tec

  20. well I understood this phrase when we want someone too, ie we hold much with that person, unfortunately for some reason that person is away from us .... but sometimes they move away forever and hurts. .. and it's very difficult to forget his or her ...
    when some relative dies is excruciating pain ever since you volveras aver and will never again talk to them ... I still miss my grandmother and why six years ago walked away from me forever and it hurts me because she I was the only person who knew I need ...... understand why we as human beings that we seize 100 persons when we still have take care of them since they are the most important to us ...

  21. Of course, if that appears in the film as the love of your life can go ....... in my case was my grandfather to be that more and God wanted it off me and tell me something grabs and I do not have ami side but I carry in my heart.....edgar euan cruzz...

  22. Because many of the kiss are far from us, for example when a family member dies as we always say in our hearts
    Nombre : Cesar Adrian Uh Cauich


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