La creación de este espacio virtual tecnológico, se origina por la necesidad de difundir las actividades y la información oficial del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Yucatán Plantel Kinchil, hacia su comunidad estudiantil, padres y madres de familia, tutores, docentes, administrativos, autoridades y a toda la sociedad.

lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014

Weekly Quote 1A

23 comentarios:

  1. in the phrase I understood is that all life will have happiness but sometimes you can not get what you want for that brings you happiness sometimes good but sometimes bad times without love them

  2. ami good because I really liked the phrase as if telling the truth
    because not everything in life is material if not equal affection love and respect we earn devemos people and learn to be happy with how little or much we wanted and what we have is enough to live
    Ingrid Alejandra Tuyub Cab

  3. for many happiness has a different meaning ... for me is the love, the support, understanding, always having people make us feel strong to give us her pretty affection but often we do not appreciate these people and ended up losingbut no, this is not the case! happiness is being happy. smiling at him every day to life after all :)
    By: Densy Ruiz :)

  4. José Ignacio Cauich Cauich24 de noviembre de 2014, 17:17

    What it says is that we should never feel bad having no important things if you do not acknowledge what we have and treat it with respect and cough afrecen senceridad what our parents and friends.
    jose ignacio cauich cauich 1 A

  5. Life is full of obstacles and opportunities, depends on each person as you take everything that crosses in life, doing things right or means to achieve what we want and that excels in the affection and love.

  6. the phrase says we devemos to appreciate what we have and be thankful for it because I think there are people who want something but several things can not achieve it and therefore if Nostros already achieved something or have devemos value it because in this life not everyone has they want
    saul balam colli primero "A"

  7. the phrase says we devemos to appreciate what we have and be thankful for it because I think there are people who want something but several things can not achieve it and therefore if Nostros already achieved something or have devemos value it because in this life not everyone has they want

  8. because the comment treaty of things that sometimes we deceamos but not always what we have and therefore always devemos be pasientes not decearlo that is not our alcanse why we devemos esforsar to get it and do not envy try to excel in our goals and this is my review of the week jose roberto canul Tzuc

  9. is very true that not always what makes us happy we will achieve this requires our effort and dedication to make things. adriana guadalupe dzib poot 1A

  10. as the comment of the week is that you should not deciar something you can not get for your pleasure because when it becomes habit deceas sete brayan castro.

  11. I really like the comment of the week because it talks about things we can alcansar and things we can not always have to Striving to always be the best in all this is all my reviews of the week jose francisco canul pool

  12. que onda quesos quesito de tetdiz pongan sus publicasiones que se acaba el tiempo att:la banda de kinchil

  13. good because I really liked the phrase because the people that meaning much for my always have present your affect, respect and love with the how little or much time that I am wiht they isela ku balam

  14. I do not surrender I have a goal and I will do so always insistire never inclinare asia face the floor always up. Each one of us must fight for their sue you and not rest to achieve this which is esfuersa can do it jejeje.
    Santos ismael chac cante

  15. well I understood that I felicity is something that everyone goes through that tells us it is seen delivering everything that is in life if you're happy as you will be very little time so you have to enjoy all the felicity that you are not hard
    alexander dzul balam

  16. Happiness is not about get us the weather will decide when we could yegar happiness can love like the things we have and poreso thank the people that we love dolores llanes dominguez

    Happiness is not about get us the weather will decide when we could yegar happiness can love like the things we have and poreso thank the people that we love

  17. that is true and we must learn to settle for what we have and be happy because at least we have what we have .. as there are other people who do not have what we have.
    by: jaquelin cauich dzul :)

  18. It is a maple to my liking it is something very important is happiness that is gained over time with the love he fears be thankful to others
    Jesus Antonio Uc Canul

  19. the phrase only tells the truth must be happy but love does not simpre you can but you have to try to continue the happy life without anyone nolos inpida.
    Anayanci Tzuc Couoh 1°A

  20. I like the phrase because happiness is like saying is not what we want but it is in the people we love and love and ourselves.
    Humberto ismael chan tzuc

  21. I really liked the phrase because often we look so easy to be happy and we are not what we have and we should be with what we have
    Jahzeel Poot 1°A

  22. Happiness is not on the desires we want all the time if not with what we have to value it, love it and be thankful for what you have
    Maricza Mena 1°A

  23. To me this phrase found me very interesting since they say the truth it because it is not always should get or worry about the material if not by feelings which is what really matters because either way you get material you're going to leave sooner or later and the only thing you get is the affection and feelings. gema pech.


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