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martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014

Weekly Quote 1B

11 comentarios:

  1. I think that what makes us understand is that you say what you think instead of saving for you and keep quiet. -_-

  2. When some people are shy think wrong to speak, habar vent my part is that it is better to talk than to remain silent, speak and experience words from other languages are special and magical. Do not remain silent is something special ...
    nancy puc

  3. What I understood was that phrase is best to give our opinion and not to give us quiet.
    Silvia noemi cauich Tzuc

  4. When a person feels sure he is going to say is well and that your answers are maintainest choose to share their ideas and when you think that your answer is wrong prefer to stay quietly and say nothing , because often tease others .

  5. Not to speak ill of someone without Having examined, must be equal wings other people do not believe us, not only do we compare availability to be around them. estefani tzuc

  6. José Roberto Zapata Ventura 1-B
    What I mean by that is that reflections yourself to have the feeling of talking alone with yourself and to understand better what speaks oneself.

  7. José Roberto Zapata Ventura 1-B
    What I mean by that is that reflections yourself to have the feeling of talking alone with yourself and to understand better what speaks oneself

  8. José Roberto Zapata Ventura 1-B
    What I mean by that is that reflections yourself to have the feeling of talking alone with yourself and to understand better what speaks oneself

  9. Talking alone is something many people do, this is done because they feel without any kind of friend, and I think it is good because it helps you to let off steam.

    Alvaro Gustavo Cab

  10. Well, I think you need to talk and say the words you have in your mouth rather than stay silent, so that other people know your thinking, understand your opinions.

  11. this phrase I understood the way when we talk may be many changes because when you do not give your opinion people may not know they want or desire so it is very important to talk to so people know what you want

    claudia liceaga pech 1°b


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