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martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014

Weekly Quote 1_B

19 comentarios:

  1. It is true, as it is the way you look forever either physically or spiritually is how people see you, and they can judge you as a good or bad person.


  2. That people are as we are every day new things we decide who wants to be alone decides how a person could decide he wants to be everyone decides how to overcome your fears, and how to achieve your goals. estefani tzuc

  3. Las personas tenemos cualidades defectos y sobre todo virtudes, nosotros somos lo que queremos ser y lo que de vemos ser siendo únicos con nuestra personalidad, no nos demos por vencidos sobre algún comentario de cómo somos. Preocupemos por ser nosotros mismos cada día. fernando tzuc

  4. because the phrase is very true us every day and we looked at each day really change when not, we are the same as we are day by day in the life emily

  5. because I think that we are the same every day that passes without changing anything and the only thing I think that changes the way we think and act nothing more david pech

  6. this means that you should not care what people say about you or others
    cristy chay matu

  7. frenando canul chac
    they see me as I am and never pretend something I'm not or imitating others

  8. people might be fixed in our way of our physical being however .. if we are happy they will also have the prespective as if we're upset or sad, what matters is how we feel and how we want others to see we
    G.ared Ventura Dzul

  9. I think the picture speaks truth as people get used to seeing you in a way but you can do something to change and try to improve the perception they have of you... -_-

  10. our appearance disclosed to other people like us actually have that devemos prespective of how we are, who we are no matter what others may say or comment, with the idealization that as we are so we will see regardless what others say
    Nancy gpe. Puc Cruz

  11. I understand it in this way that we see ourselves as we feel is the way we will see that if we see bad people we are going to look bad because we also we look and think and also because I believe that if desert

  12. I understand it in this way that we see ourselves as we feel is the way we will see that if we see bad people we are going to look bad because we also we look and think and also because I believe that if desert

    claudia liceaga pech

  13. Silvia cauich
    Well sometimes people just judge you by your appearance without you is so well known to and not be judged only by the art seen

  14. Cinthia Tzuc
    I think the picture is nice for sometimes we get carried away by the wings without knowing people appreciate

  15. It's like people see you depending on your personality and your behavior and get along well with people because it is your personality and if you are a person who made him feel like the studio's going to recognize you for being a good student
    juuan pablo

  16. because my opinion is that most people do not criticize the negative and not the positive say say you have, you also do not realize that you have positive things and not just the negative, also judge you without knowing you ..................
    alejandra rosado cab

  17. Aurora Asuncion Cohuo Dzib11 de noviembre de 2014, 20:24

    Sometimes we take criticism very important people in which sometimes they are negative or positive things, but we should not give the highest importance, you know how it really is.

  18. I think that I agree you act and you with you carry the people always will give an opinion already be positive or negative always and since act if for the good or for fue evil

    fredy josué

  19. Let people get to know us as we are in our personality, how we behave and how we are to society and every day people will know more about you.


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