La creación de este espacio virtual tecnológico, se origina por la necesidad de difundir las actividades y la información oficial del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Yucatán Plantel Kinchil, hacia su comunidad estudiantil, padres y madres de familia, tutores, docentes, administrativos, autoridades y a toda la sociedad.

viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

Weekly Quote 3B

20 comentarios:

  1. I really liked this phrase
    because what it means is more
    than the truth, because there
    are people who are always sad
    for many reasons it is
    important to make them laugh
    and give them a moment of
    happiness to not feel alone,
    because so you will need
    someone to do laugh at the
    time t feel sad.
    Elsa Pool Dzib

  2. I really liked this phrase
    because what it means is more
    than the truth, because there
    are people who are always sad
    for many reasons it is
    important to make them laugh
    and give them a moment of
    happiness to not feel alone,
    because so you will need
    someone to do laugh at the
    time t feel sad.
    Elsa Pool Dzib

  3. You have to give smiles to everyone to make this a happy and sad remorse must be in place to know what you have In order to help and if you need the joy that we give without any impediment.
    Have to share our joy with us to make them feel happy and not be lonely, learn to share.

  4. that sentence is telling the truth because sometimes we have to pay someone our smile and know esmoes beside that person who is sad and nosotrsos as a friend or friend that we will have to draw a smile so as they say smile always to life even if your day is the worst in the world but the most important is that you smile Getcha with a smile that can face some problems and that's why it takes someone a smile today to be happy in spite of everything so I to despite my problems I always smiled or smile at someone Aug esar all smiles always

    Diana Laura Mendez Kin :")

  5. who does not have it and gave one seems to be difficult but naa is dificilsiempre have a smile and always betray you sonreile fedora
    att fabiola yudiht cab dzib 3b

  6. We designed this phrase that we always be understandable to people who neseciten ie always give our happily ever apollo and make the person more in need

  7. We designed this phrase we always devemos be very generous with the people who need our apollo and we must give our love when you need it most.

  8. I think everyone should have a smile and everyone should be happy always because it has many reasons to be happy
    juan valentin dzul cauich

  9. I think we should always be happy even in the toughest times we must always move forward because we are strong people
    sinai kennel balam

  10. I think we have every smile on our face because we are happy in the good and bad because we are positive people
    sandra canul canche

  11. I think we have every smile on our face because we are happy in the good and bad because we are positive people and we must always prove to others that we capases people to solve our problems
    trini tamayo dzib

  12. Anyone has the right to smile and show that with a smile and we are happy to infect people with your smile
    liliana chan cua

  13. Well, it's a nice phrase, and it is absolutely right that if we smile and others can not, we make those persons similarly smile like us because we can also do just that sometimes problems are not able to smile but one way or another we must support them and get a laugh, not make them feel bad.

  14. when one is sad as I never nadien smile that always must be sad you are laughing preta alos selo biada deserve this for a laugh are is what counts in this life so beautiful" jorge Argenis can chuil"" 3 B "

  15. when one is sad as I never nadien smile that always must be sad you are laughing preta alos selo biada deserve this for a laugh are is what counts in this life so beautiful" jorge Argenis can chuil"" 3 B "

  16. I like this phrase because habeses people feel sad but do not show to the naked eye and that is very bonito..PEDRO MANUEL BALAM PAT

  17. When a person is sad is almost impossible to get that feel good ..but we always try to cheer her up and make her feel good by showing her a smile and you smile.
    Att: Andrea May Puc.

  18. It seemed to me very interesting and sad when someone this should put a smile
    juan tec alonzo

  19. if I see a person without one are laughing could make you laugh for a moment but that moment that it reaches the heart even for a moment in his vida.todas the right person Tinen happy Asher....

  20. We designed this phrase we always devemos be very generous with the people who need our apollo and we must give our love when you need it most.



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