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viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014

Weekly Quote 3B

23 comentarios:

  1. This phrase caught my attention much that I
    can apply in my life because everything he
    says is true because sometimes we need
    something but we have to be patient and wait
    for q to come into our lives and in the
    unexpected moment. Everything you need to
    come sooner or later.
    Elsa Pool Dzib

  2. This sentence tells the truth because sometimes we as people say that life alone is crap or something like that do not have what we want but that is not hasi not that veses life or our luck we face many challenges but with a life all can not have because everything comes in time is like if you want to buy clothes but if you have no money at the time so you will not buy because in other cases it able to buy so everything comes your time or your perfect moment there that want to eat the world cute excellent day Friday

    Diana Laura Mendez Kin :")

  3. in this nosdice frace not to precionar while all biene asu time. each person values what has asu side and the leda life because they are beautiful.
    att: jaquelin quintal pech. 3°B

  4. if all dependeriamos someday someone someday by esoo in difficult times the things that I will use this post esprar the things that apply to us in life could appear

  5. I loved it because if q is true there's never run for consegir something must be pasencia to achieve and thus better
    juan tec alonzo

  6. this sentence is very important because what leads us to understand that sometimes we despair for something to not at that time was and we should just let things happen by themselves and wait to arrive when expected more
    nombre:lizeth ariel ucan nah

  7. this sentence left me as a reflection q often despair at having something or envy things, but we do not learn to expect what may happen in the future when they can best things or let us aver one enseñansa.MILDRED LETICIA Tzuc Tzuc

  8. I like this phrase because we can apply in everyday life and we should not despair us something we want to achieve and so will be more better the reward we get for the things we do in everyday life
    Laura Alejandra Dzul Pool

  9. ricardo abelardo dzib28 de noviembre de 2014, 18:28

    It is best to arrive when you need more for the good things in susseden ono highlights the maestrasi tell me it's not true

  10. all time comes asu no q rush things that any time without rush asu whole thing comes to Presis time mariana borgez

  11. all time comes asu no q rush things that any time without rush asu whole thing comes to Presis time mariana borgez

  12. I think that good things always come to us at the time we want the effort to be better people day after day and always goes well with what we need peace either love or money or a person amistsd
    juan valentin dzul cauich

  13. I think that things come to us at the time in which we have to do our part so that everything goes well
    sinai canul balam

  14. pienso que para que las cosas nos llegan en el momento en el que queremos tenemos que poner de nuestra parte para que todo salga bien y debemos crecer como persona para poder lograr nuestros sueños
    sandra canul canche

  15. I think things come to us at the exact moment of our life in the most beautiful moment and we should never be negative we must always be positive because things come in time as
    karla alejandra sing colli

  16. I think that things come to us at the time in which we have to do our part so that everything goes well and we grow as a person to achieve our dreams
    sandra canul canche

  17. I think that things do not always reach us at the point they eventually arrive but if you do not intend to come when we want
    liliana chan cua

  18. My view and my understanding is that all things will come in time and we should not despair because life has prepared us muj things and when they come those things that have waited not come from little but piled
    Nombre : César Adrián Uh Cauich

  19. This sentence makes us understand that we must be patient in waiting for things life will bring you, whether good or bad must always agradeser what life teaches us that we live with it.
    De: Andrea Yazmin May Puc.

  20. The phrase this week gives me to
    understand that all the cases and moments
    are happy or triztes in this life came to you
    in due time and not to rush to vivirlar
    rapidamante pasientemente but expect
    them to arrive.

    Emmanuel Juan Valdez Tec

  21. Anything arrives when it indicated whether for better or for worse, we must never despair for something that we know will get but be patient and do not worry because if we do not expect everything we can go wrong and just not having patience. So what we need to come in time and very well without any concern.

  22. That all we need to arrive at any time and at the right time, ie when we least expect it and be the best time of our lives and that is why we must not despair for what we need because sooner or later arrive.


  23. sometimes think things hastily thought has no solution when in reality things do not come when nesecitamos otherwise when needed, do not despair as everything came in good time.



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