La creación de este espacio virtual tecnológico, se origina por la necesidad de difundir las actividades y la información oficial del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Yucatán Plantel Kinchil, hacia su comunidad estudiantil, padres y madres de familia, tutores, docentes, administrativos, autoridades y a toda la sociedad.

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

Quote 1-A

24 comentarios:

  1. good phrase for this week because I really like what that says frace eventually things will go well but first you have to sufir or something so you can be happy after ... as they say long after the storm comes the calm
    Ingrid Tuyub Cab

  2. I like the phrase and it is right maybe things will come out all the time not good but after all if it goes MARIA ANGELINA CANUL DZUL

  3. The image reflects the truth because sometimes people do not always spend what you want in life even aveses in the moments that you do not expect happens.
    Santos ismael chac cante

  4. I like the phrase
    because it has the
    reason that
    everything will be
    fine. although we do
    not know when but
    everything is fine
    just as it is very
    motivating to keep
    Humberto ismael chan tzuc

  5. a situation you're going through not just this day will be day but someday if you'll be fine

    maria tete dzib uitz

  6. the phrase has the lowdown xk perhaps today we can not pass something right but maybe maniana may not know
    pech chale laura lizeth

  7. for me it is a beautiful reflection by saying that all will be well perhaps they might not realize it but after all you will have what you want with time
    jose uriel poot canul

  8. I liked the phrase because it speaks that things can sometimes go well for us, but which we sometimes can not leave either because there are things that you want out well but it is almost per accident.

    ricardo yamie silva puc

  9. I liked the phrase because it speaks that things can sometimes go well for us, but which we sometimes can not leave either because there are things that you want out well but it is almost per accident.
    ricardo yamie silva

  10. Sometimes there comes a time when you suddenly feel that life is upon us. Out of nowhere there is a problem and that problem arises another and another and there will always be something to try to keep us from our goals or happiness :) but for something disen that after the storm comes the best :) all be over sooner or later and greater the reward will be greater and there we realize that the struggle of the suffering worthwhile. finally this not been my year issues and problems but really do not care about that there will always be trials to realize the reality that a cruel reality that there will always be something for whatever it is sometimes surprising but more than something changed everything :)
    By: Ruiz Densi

    at mi tincidunt ligula dictum diem, ne exemplum posset esse homo, cum hodie non aliud sentire Hase tempor et transitus ad bene placuit

  12. that is very true because we have problems and sometimes we do not know to fix it without realizing that time is one of the best tools to come around .. as time helps heal many wounds but can not erase the mistakes ..

    by: jaquelin cauich dzul

  13. while I think that there will be all right today may well be tomorrow or another day or month can spend all but one day or as they say today, but eventually everything will be fine
    maría dolores llanes Domínguez

  14. What does the phrase
    esque for all may seem
    bad but everything can
    change any day and be
    Emir Jesús Puc Canul

  15. if not today maybe some going right if things go well yuo to morrow or the day after.YAZMIN CANUL TUN

  16. The end of the sentence is for each person because we all want to achieve different goals and therefore ultimately depends on each person, must struggle to achieve its objectives.

  17. I understood that good because everyone has a say which day is a lucky day that pas coas good as we all know is days that are good but tanbien there are bad days.
    alexander dzul balam

  18. the phrase is very nice and motivating, helps us better understand and think about diferentre problem we can solve for quelo eventually perop always there for all solution.
    Anayanci Tzuc Couoh 1°A

  19. Not all goes well we always have to wait and maybe today we go wrong but then improved.
    Jahzeel Jazmín Poot Euan

  20. The truth Yes. Perhaps at this point you have problems, or you're concerned/worried by something or someone but sooner or later everything will turn out well. And with the support of those people who surround you can get ahead.
    Gema Pech Dzul. 1A

  21. I hinted that not always what we want will be fine but will always be comfortable with so you can finally achieve along the way, as long as we are comfortable with themselves and others.
    1° A

  22. the phrase tells us that when something happens or something do something wrong everything will be fine, maybe you do not realize at first but when you least expect it all turned out well
    Carlos Jesus Solis Marrufo 1A

  23. You are quite right this phrase, that everything is going to be fine maybe not when we want to, but everything will come in due time.
    Juan José Chuc Poot.. Disculpe la tardanza de publicar mi comentario maestra.


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