La creación de este espacio virtual tecnológico, se origina por la necesidad de difundir las actividades y la información oficial del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Yucatán Plantel Kinchil, hacia su comunidad estudiantil, padres y madres de familia, tutores, docentes, administrativos, autoridades y a toda la sociedad.

martes, 14 de octubre de 2014

Quote 1-B

23 comentarios:

  1. Each one of us must be the difference of all evil in the world should be and to behave as we want the world to change for the benefit of all.


  2. that each of us must always be the same apart from all the evils that exist and still go ahead and be better each passing day of life

  3. Ay who follow the influences of others and not theirs, one must think personally and herself which suits you for me I think it's wrong that is beneficial to me as a person not of them to me will not help them one goal is to follow your dreams propis

    Nancy puc

  4. This phrase is very nice because you have to go ahead on our way of life where there are obstacles, setbacks and all joys are experiences that help us to move forward and fulfill our dreams and goals ESTEFANI TZUC MENA

  5. I liked the phrase because it gives us a nice reflection in our lives to change because you have to know that there are in the world and what not, so that later you can find out what you will have to change.
    Bertha May Chay 1B

  6. This phrase is very nice for me because many would be the change in this world but few can really achieve with effort
    Cristy chay matu 1B

  7. It's a cute phrase because it makes us think that if we want something to change we must take the initiative
    Silvia cauich 1B

  8. sometimes if you do it for the problems that exist in our environment because who does not like going to these problems there is truth
    sebastian pat

  9. because this phrase is very nice because it says that we must be the change the world to achieve all need to change to make a better world

  10. I change the world work much. and have a big vision and big spectatives .
    The work is big and we small hobe of big heart and very much
    Wilbert hernan rodrigiez dzul 1B

  11. phrase gives me to understand that we are free to comportanos as we want in the world .and if there will be any change in the world does not mean we just change

  12. and work to construct a world better day behind day...and ensure a world and a prospective better on ours son...:) glendy del rosario uc tzuc

  13. this reflection suggests that we as a people we improve nuestyro devemos Entor for the good of others and for us

  14. Angel Poot Cepeda
    I think that everyone is free to decide who to be and how to be ignoring what society or the world will want to impose ...

  15. This sentence implies that I can be a better person in society and therefore need to get ahead, finishing my studies to achieve my goals and be someone important in life and I will benefit a future. And it will help me to be an independent person and a profession with which to defend myself.
      Dzul Quintal Karen Jhobana 1 B

  16. todos quieren hacer el cambio en el mundo pero no pueden porque no se dan cuenta que ellos cambian al mundo no el mundo los cambia y lo hacen contaminándolo y pos solo ben el cambio del mundo pero no ven como lo cambian ellos y nunca se ponen en el lugar del mundo .
    jose fernando tzuc tun 1B

  17. It is the change that we as citizens oars to have a better quality of life and to improve ourselves and for us let's get ahead of Mexico and our families to no longer haiga much poverty and to improve ourselves because nothing is impossible and everything is possible.

    juan pablo tun tzuc 1B

  18. this phrase tells us that we must see the positive things that happen to our environment as long as everything is for the good..
    cinthia tzuc cante

  19. most of the time if I want to change the world and hecerlo the way I want it to be that everyone wants sumundopara single

    jorge david dzib

  20. that means you could ask for another change things in the world without knowing that Might change. What about saying you do not give anything in return for your world ... José Roberto Zapata Ventura 1-B

  21. that means you could ask for another change things in the world without knowing that Might change. What about saying you do not give anything in return for your world ... José Roberto Zapata Ventura 1-B

  22. that means you could ask for another change things in the world without knowing that Might change. What about saying you do not give anything in return for your world ... José Roberto Zapata Ventura 1-B

  23. I believe that every person does the difference undoubtedly it is necessary to give the example in order that the people and the world changes to he was of benefit of all the persons of the world

    fredy cab


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