La creación de este espacio virtual tecnológico, se origina por la necesidad de difundir las actividades y la información oficial del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Yucatán Plantel Kinchil, hacia su comunidad estudiantil, padres y madres de familia, tutores, docentes, administrativos, autoridades y a toda la sociedad.

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

Quote 1-A

23 comentarios:

  1. for me the phrase paresio interesting to me because that's the truth's smile can have it in a amidstad but sometimes can be cleared with a big fight that neither interesting
    pech chale laura lizerh

  2. todo lo que haces puede ser una esperanza en decir alguna palabra algo que puede dar una motivación aúna persona para que siga adelante y tome las mejor desicion

    Maria Tete Dzib Uitz 1 A

  3. I like the phrase because you are right a smile can make a great friendship that can last as you want.
    Humberto ismael chan tzuc

  4. well what I understood from this is that we all know is better to talk than action we do because as said with a smile ppuede begin a friendship that I understand that you need a good inaccuracies to please others because only you can change your life
    alexander dzul balam 1a

  5. People are very important in our life because through them we can change our way of thinking and seeing things for this reason we should be friendly to meet new people, think friendships are beautiful and true last forever.MÓNICA GIZEH LLAMÁ DZIB

  6. Well to me I liked the phrase of the week then ... Why would you say is very true with a word smile and / or attitude say many things and give many prints as nothing and as a first impression is very true what they say that you are the only person who can change your life and no one else
    Ingrid Tuyub Cab !°"A"

  7. It is a very beautiful and inspirational phrase later to keep fighting for what you want and with the help of those true friends than just a hello cheer you life.
    Anayanci Couoh1°A

  8. first of all let me say that as all pictures delta climbing teacher are very nice and everything is very true. because something is minimal as a smile can get to a beautiful friendship that could last a lifetime also like to say a single word can end a fight that maybe been for several years
    with a charm and says that's the look we love a person and finally becoming a person want to change their way of being or thinking positively can. Adriana Guadalupe dzib poot.

  9. Every detail of your life can change every part of you from the smallest detail to the biggest you've had in your life.
    Jahzeel Poot 1°A

  10. This phrase is so beautiful because I want to understand or give desir know that things can make a person to do my best and do well the power of a glance or the qualities one possesses and without wing violence things Poot Marisel can arreglar.Fatima Tun.

  11. with a smile we can start the day or just with a partner to gain the friendship of the like can de a word can end fitht or when they look yuo can change costs the our life or else maria dolores llanes dominguez

  12. The truth. Yes. Only action can change many things in life.
    Gema Pech Dzul.

  13. I liked this sentence but speaks of a people use to solve problems and to please someone that we have always smile.
    Jesús Antonio Uc Canul 1A

  14. that sentence is telling the truth because many can change a word or something depending on the interpretation can become good things happen or can not get to spend what was supposed
    Carlos Jesus Solis Marrufo 1A

  15. in the world there are thousands of people some good some not, are there no matter what, sometimes good sometimes tend to be good friends enemies; always initiated with a smile sometimes or accident but eventually Habran evidence that will make these people doubting us, your Sweetheart and friendship and no matter what that person will give A Twist In Our Life !, that new one is there and always will make a difference ...
    by: Densy Ruiz:D

  16. This phrase has a lot to do in my life because there are things that said that I had already passed me and I'm going and I really liked this phrase that these are very true palaras

  17. for that is true if we do what he says the phrase can make friends Probler can solve problems and can change our life .. I loved it because it tells the truth ..
    by: Jaquelin Cauich Dzul

  18. for that is true if we do what he says the phrase can make friends Probler can solve problems and can change our life .. I loved it because it tells the truth ..
    by: Jaquelin Cauich Dzul

  19. for that is true if we do what he says the phrase can make friends Probler can solve problems and can change our life .. I loved it because it tells the truth ..

  20. for me the phrase is
    intended to mean that a
    small detail can change
    something and do great
    Emir Jesús Puc Canul

  21. a pretty picture that tells us not to ablate with echos and words but with a good smile says everything you want to express
    jose uriel poot canul

  22. people who look at life differently, with only moments to take into account that we will consider in detail what happened or what was felt to imagine moments like a look.

    1° A

  23. JOSE I. CAUICDH CAUICH27 de octubre de 2014, 22:17

    This phrase perished striking because I really do not know at what point we can find an unexpected friendship and unthinkingly fall in love or have a great friendship.


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