La creación de este espacio virtual tecnológico, se origina por la necesidad de difundir las actividades y la información oficial del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Yucatán Plantel Kinchil, hacia su comunidad estudiantil, padres y madres de familia, tutores, docentes, administrativos, autoridades y a toda la sociedad.

viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014

Quote 3-B

20 comentarios:

  1. I really liked this phrase and I
    apply this in my life because it
    is necessary to make happy
    doing what t like and be with
    people that make you laugh
    and where you can enjoy your
    life to the important
    maximo.Es do what you want
    and what t make happy no
    matter what anyone else just
    live life your way looking for
    happiness and being with
    people who make you smile
    and enjoy every moment of
    your life before it is gone.
    Elsa Pool Dzib

  2. While we live we must do what we like and people we want Because We live our life to the fullest and enjoy every minute and every second We Should live in peace and harmony
    Juan Valentin dzul cauich

  3. My opinion is that they always choose the person you love feel good and be always happy whatever the situation live life to the fullest
    Karla alejandra colli cante

  4. There will be people who make you feel good, and also see how we treat that person Fabiola Yidith cab dzib

  5. in this phrase teaches us that we must always be with the people you asensentir the happiest person in the world i always have to learn to value those people such as your partner.
    BY:cindy tun canul 3°B

  6. This frace tell us there to share the most beautiful moments with the people we love and we make them feel happy and who love us.
    att: jaquelin quintal pech,3°B

  7. that phrase is very nice that I write a lot or as people who are have to live life as if it were the last laugh and make people love so they will do the same for us all what you got ue hases to do with the heart that happiness or whatever comes into your life you have to make happy and hase a friend, your brother, your mother, your family they are part of your happiness these little people make your world be different and every moment of your life are unique and more if there is a person who hase laugh with an ever them or something to do for you live your life as if it were your last because you do not know if tomorrow will not be in this world today is the day that serves you a beautiful sorsa the special person for you

    Diana Laura Mendez Kin :")

  8. this sentence made ​​me reflect on the things we do in our lives, whether our actions, friends, and family really make us happy, making sense of all of our lives and if these people really make us happy, then we can also make them happy.

    Emmanuel Juan Valdez Tec "3B"

  9. I like this phrase because it speaks of happiness and it is also good to be with people we love and make us happy. is important to love while alive that otherwise does not love a person who is not living. there are things we acen happy with the simple fact that they are saver for us. everyone laugh depends on a person who laughs is simply that it has not found happiness so it is important to love after love another person. this phrase applies very much in everyday life.
    Laura A. Dzul Pool

  10. this picture is very reflective
    because it talks about
    happiness and invites us to try
    to be on day

  11. This sentence tells us that always have to enjoy happy moments and more if we are with people who love and want both. Similarly we must make happy those people around us to the best of us.
    De:Andrea Yazmin May Puc. 3°B

  12. Enjoy what you have now either your happiness to enjoy life and smile with others in all your mischief because it is a way to be happy with those you love and those around you. Life is a gift you've been given and you have to enjoy it to the fullest because you do not know the day of your death or when it will be your last day on earth, so you need to know to enjoy with respect.

  13. This phrase implies that we all of us there sometimes we are with people who make us suffer too much and enjoyed every moment because time is very fast. We must be people who know how to value and if we do not cause us any harm and why sometimes you fall into depression. Atte: demi vianey ku chavez

  14. way too good phrase does reflect on how we act and behave with the things we do and say with time and we have no baloramos ttamayo dzib trini monserrat 3b

  15. I think those feelings are the reason for life if you do not have one is like being an object if you feel love for someone or you're not honest with yourself.
    The truth is a word that many people are afraid to pronounce for the simple fact of being afraid of what people will say but is or is fundamental to every human being, if we are not respetosos, honest and always tell the truth though more painful than we would be a people without heart without love for us.

    De: Cesar Adrian Uh Cauich

  16. I think those feelings are the reason for life if you do not have one is like being an object if you feel love for someone or you're not honest with yourself.
    The truth is a word that many people are afraid to pronounce for the simple fact of being afraid of what people will say but is or is fundamental to every human being, if we are not respetosos, honest and always tell the truth though more painful than we would be a people without heart without love for us.

  17. I think those feelings are the reason for life if you do not have one is like being an object if you feel love for someone or you're not honest with yourself.
    The truth is a word that many people are afraid to pronounce for the simple fact of being afraid of what people will say but is or is fundamental to every human being, if we are not respetosos, honest and always tell the truth though more painful than we would be a people without heart without love for us.
    De. Cesar Adrian Uh Cauich

  18. I think it is to be with the person you love, that makes you smile that you sound to be at his side, who understands you, he respects, who thinks of you, that you valued x what you are not so you have or what you can give, which teda strength to keep going.

    De: Cesar Adrian Uh Cauich

  19. I think it is to be with the person you love, that makes you smile that you sound to be at his side, who understands you, he respects, who thinks of you, that you valued x what you are not so you have or what you can give, which teda strength to keep going.

    De: Cesar Adrian Uh Cauich

  20. I think the phrase has much to do because sometimes we are afraid to express our feelings and we all have feelings and that if we would not have items


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