La creación de este espacio virtual tecnológico, se origina por la necesidad de difundir las actividades y la información oficial del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Yucatán Plantel Kinchil, hacia su comunidad estudiantil, padres y madres de familia, tutores, docentes, administrativos, autoridades y a toda la sociedad.

martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

Quote 1-B

19 comentarios:

  1. With friends everyone has one can overcome these darker sides in counsel and company, in the same is that the bad acts and things change.
      nancy puc

  2. With friends each has half share your personal things and that way of being as a person every day
    jenifer camera

  3. I'm looking for that person that handles my dark side because I have a big problem that I want rid of Ensim but sometimes I think I can do if I put my mind
    wilbert hernan rodriguez dzul 1 B

  4. If this phrase is absolutely right because although we do not want to believe we need a person who can handle our most obsucuro side that alone we can not JESUS EDUARDO BORGEZ DZUL1ªB

  5. cristy chay matu
    That will always be someone to advise you what is right and what is wrong to always be with you through thick and thin

  6. José Roberto Zapata Ventura 1-B
    What he means is that there is always someone to advise you when ayas wrongdoing or something that you can not count and only you can tell someone that you trust.

  7. José Roberto Zapata Ventura 1-B
    What he means is that there is always someone to advise you when ayas wrongdoing or something that you can not count and only you can tell someone that you trust

  8. When someone loves you is always there to support you and try everything goes well and if you get errors about making it solucines
    silvia noemi cauich Tzuc

  9. Jose Sebastian Pat Delgado
    I understand that each person has a dark side that has an evil bone in it and only one person can control his dark side

  10. victor ventura uitz28 de octubre de 2014, 19:30

    I think it is right that we should control our dark sides.

  11. Sometime we have a character which are seidom featured among us..
    Sometimes we have to find ways that we as humans we the solution
    Glendy yared ventura dzul

  12. each person needs another to behave properly, not to dominate their bad sides.

  13. Angel Poot Cepeda 1°B28 de octubre de 2014, 19:36

    I think that what he says is true image, because otherwise tubieramos who desaogarnos everyone would leave a bad mood so leave their dark sides

  14. to also correct us on our path to success ... and for our loved ones do not depart from us with our moods and live in harmony ...

  15. in this I realized that everyone is afraid of something, but will always be something or someone that can help us overcome our fear

    claudia liceaga pech 1°b

  16. All people need the support of someone special to help us cope and vecen our fears to fight and achieve our goals and achievements because there is someone who always gives you their support. Estefany tzuc mena

  17. Who in the world humans seeking a person to assist them to tell lies , and do wrong things solapándolo cover their lies. This is the dark side of the world.

  18. I liked this phrase a lot because it gives us a beautiful reflection because it teaches that life always but there is always someone who sees our darker side and tells us how to do things or trying to manage our lives.
    bertha maria may chay


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