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viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014

Weekly Quote 3B

18 comentarios:

  1. being alone would be good because if you're with a person that affects you in your life is inconbeniente always with her is better to live with loneliness att: fabiola cab dzib

  2. I really liked this picture because it is the truth esmejor be alone and happy with someone who aga annoy you. that so why bother if it makes ea better to be alone than happy to be in constant fight attt: juan antonio tec alonzo

  3. This phrase I loved it because it tells the
    truth, on some occasions of our life is better
    to be alone than have someone hurts us or
    hurt us. for them it is necessary to know the
    people who are close to us to saver if you
    are willing to make us happy.
    Elsa Pool Dzib

  4. in this sentence we design always count devemos kon someone that gives us joy to avoid being alone and amarganos for life
    by :cindy tun

  5.   in this sentence we design always count devemos compersonas that denconfianza us. and do not have bad character and being treated well
    att: jaquelin quintal pech. 3°B.

  6. sometimes it's better to be alone because they do not know who your enemy or who is with you just to hurt you. Loneliness is not bad but not always have to be alone, but we must be aware who are having a friendship or you fail to make disappoint us and then we're regretting friendship we had.

  7. that sentence tells the truth that aveses is better to be alone than in bad company because sometimes tenesmus friends that only taren us problems or alone hurt us because I think or leave me a lesson that in this life we must not depend on others if not self must come forward this proverb put into practice what eh many times and truth telling the truth goes even that is very sad but it's best to stay away from the person you do not need it is not better to say better to be alone or accompanied only

    Diana Laura Mendez King :")

  8. I think sometimes loneliness is better because so avoid bad companions if we are alone we roast what we and our way but if you are with bad companions can do many bad things
    juan valentin dzul cauich

  9. I think in some cases rather be alone than with bad conpañias madness and so avoid any bad anything
    karla alejandra colli cante

  10. indeed must be alone at the indicated times and at times we decide avoid bad companies
    sinai canul balam

  11. I think in many cases to avoid problems or things that we do not want to do rather be alone and is so comfortable we are truly alone with no one to tell us what to do
    Sandra canul canche

  12. Loneliness is better than bad company:
    I think I you have to be friends but those friends have to be good people I personally I look for friends who are cool and help me when I need you bad not warrant or take me in a bad way and when some friends I bad advise or lead me astray sometimes better to be alone than in bad company I prefer to be alone and not friends with me astray or me bad advice.
    Atte. Ricardo Abelardo Dzib Canul

  13. this phrase says more than truth because we sometimes feel better alone because we can enjoy more of life without having to worry about that BUT I TELL WHAT HE DONE AND MUCH PREFER be angry TELL ...
    or sometimes us by affection or love also say to the person hears I want to go to a party and you leave me if he or she tells you not because nimodos and can no longer go because he or she is too angry ...
    we human beings is what we have, ie the confidence to tell people what they do but sometimes exceeds that trust too ... so I for my part I prefer to be alone with no one by my side to get angry ...

  14. This sentence tells us that there are times that we feel better alone, and not be with people who bother us or cause us confidence. It is better to be alone without nsdie who depend.

  15. This sentence tells us that there are times that we feel better alone, and not be with people who bother us or cause us confidence. It is better to be alone without nsdie who depend.
    DE: Andrea Yazmin May Puc.

  16. Clearly, if by loneliness mowing people from the outside world without good communication is inposoble be a felis person that loneliness is not felicity

  17. This phrase speaks of bad companions to
    people who hurt us and we think they are
    our friends and it is best to leave these
    people eventhough we stay alone.

    Emmanuel Juan Valdez Tec "3B"

  18. I think this sentence is right and that sometimes in order not to be alone look bad companies that lead us to make bad decisions we must consider that we must never look bad companions just to avoid being alone

    fernando llamá dzul


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