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lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2014

Weekly Quote 1A

17 comentarios:

  1. This sentence is very nice and is especially true because what you say is true and what a person is really what is not what time adriana guadalupe dzib poot.

  2. because the truth what we want to convey sentence is true because your actions transmit all you want to imply

  3. It is an excellent phrase already that each person acts depending on how it is and must be a person ethics to respect persons of their society.
    Juan José Chuc Poot....

  4. The phrase as every week is great, this teaches us that every person is guided by its values and way of acting, in this way attempts to act in the most correct.

  5. as we see frequently, often in a relationship you are not sure what happens reamente but with the actions of a person bas saviendo and conosiendo as they really are.
    Anayanci Tzuc Couoh 1°A

  6. True sometimes people are disclosed for their acts .... but not always ... well maybe not but always give much thought.
    by: jaquelin cauich dzul

  7. Many of us judge without knowing but in reality we must learn to respect that everyone knows why their actions day by day we give our best to be who you truly show who you are no matter what and no one yourself and everyone will discover that bright person you are
    densy ruiz

  8. well ... that phrase is quite right because the actions many times is more or you express more than one word can do it ... because with an action show you almost everything you sometimes feel when a word or phrase does not tell you everything
    Ingrid Tuyub Cab

  9. we all have an action that will make or enforce equal we would say to a person's actions queariamos all we need to know we can do it all needs dolores llanes Domínguez

  10. I understood well what the text is that each person takes actions for their own vienestar because for other people is important quer is chosen to be deseaq dedicion take and should be responsible for all the decision to take
    alexander dzul balam

  11. hat things should a person to publicize what you want to convey to someone else.Yazmin asuncion canul tun

  12. each person is the only accountable for making severally know what is right and what is wrong day to day act differently in the way as we are with each of the people we surround us in the when we talk to someone in the way as we treat .


  13. jose ignacio cauich cauich8 de diciembre de 2014, 20:20

    What it says on the publicasión is true because each person must know that every action you do, the person will notice what you are doing or what you want to know how is or as conbiene sab3er their friendship. Jose Ignacio Cuich Cauich

  14. think that this phrase is very good and there are people who do not know or know their actions will show the type of people they are and what values are, because there are people who speak or say things that are not and those people should not rely as they may disappoint you in any Fatima poot

  15. for my part himself, because as people say they learn from their mistakes I think that the actions you do you realize if you do it right or wrong.

  16. pues esa frase es como una anécdota que nosotros podemos reflexionar y que podemos practicar a diario aveces actuamos sin pensar las consecuencias que se pueda presentarse. por eso cuando vallamos a hacer algo primero ay que pensarlo mu bien. JOSÉ ALEJANDRO BALAM BALAM


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