La creación de este espacio virtual tecnológico, se origina por la necesidad de difundir las actividades y la información oficial del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Yucatán Plantel Kinchil, hacia su comunidad estudiantil, padres y madres de familia, tutores, docentes, administrativos, autoridades y a toda la sociedad.

lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

Weekly Quote 1-A

21 comentarios:

  1. Well for me the phrase I liked it tells the truth because it says you must be proud of your life and everything as fact and if not, well ... you must have the will power to get out of that failure and try again and go ahead and never look past because the past is past and as it says should be there in the past and get on with your life
    Ingrid Tuyub Cab

  2. I liked the phrase interesting because if you're proud to be because you do not get anything in life and then if you change and how proud you leave behind you began a new life as what you are

  3. I understood the phrase this week that although you fail or you defeat forces must always be trying again because I think you learn from failure and success but not so obvious success is a goal that we should not always be in failure by Fatima Poot

  4. for my stage this week speaks to value ourselves and aque need someone who is not necessary because we can do things ourselves

    Emir Jesus Puc Canul

  5. because my comentaroi the day is that if when you can achieve anything you must be proud of you sameness so you lograstes your only this was my comment of the day.brayan castro

  6. For my review of the week is that we should esforsar on things that we roast and every day have to live because we do not know if we will aya again is all of my comment: jose francisco canul pool

  7. my review of the week is that we must strive for the things we roast all day and all the time, Asher something that we benefit me and all
    victor manuel de jesus canul pool

  8. I understood that we have to find a reason to live .
    and also the willpower to succeed.
    by : Adrian Reyes ....

  9. from what I understood there to be proud esque pair as we are and it is very important that we also we accept all or also of viseversaaa that nosotrosa ceptemos people which are different is what I understood
    alexander dzul balm

  10. we hope that we may lead a quiet life proud as we are of our life we have to Migual we have to evaluate a lot and TENGASMOS FORCE THAT YOUR FUCIENTE Paera FIGHT OF OUR LIFE SO WE CAN STILL LIVING AND POWER TO CREATE OUR OWN LIFE DOLORES LLANES DOMINGUEZ

  11. the frace says that when a person is living a life that does not like change and deve try to be someone else to change anything and be a good person more deve try to live another life or llegasa to know a person and lies to know how it really that hacepte
    saul balam colli

  12. I repeat once again that this very nice picture and in my opinion should always be glad that we exist and quye have one more day on earth and everything there is to enjoy the maximum life adriana guadalupe dzib pot

  13. I understood that I should be proud of who you are and do not be conformist if not fight for what you want. And learn from what you are able to do for yourself.
    Jahzeel Poot 1°A

  14. Day to day life gives us lessons which often helps us learn and not make the same mistakes otherwise become stronger every day regardless of the past , that great suffering we must stand up and say I can not go to so that darkness if not reborn #empezardesdecero
    By: Densy Ruiz

  15. Life is precious and we must do the best we can to make this very interesting and fun because we only have one chance to live but in a healthy way.

  16. I live my life and I will always be proud of that whatever you do or whatever it says.Yazmin asuncion canul tun

  17. It's sentence because I like talking about how you can be proud of yourself and what you tell it how are you so proud of himself
    Jesus Antonio Uc Canul 1A

  18. JOSE IGNACIO CAUICH CAUICH 1 A1 de diciembre de 2014, 20:41

    This little phrase can help us because it says that we should never give vensidos on something and if we lose something debemso with efforts to recover and never give vensidos.
    José Ignacio Cauich Cauich 1 A

  19. Well, I 'm proud and I 'm like value and for me as I begin again is difficult yet is better is like learning from your mistakes

  20. Excellent phrase, because if we are encountered in life, we must stand up, move forward and never give up in order to fulfill our goals and dreams.
    Juan José Chuc Poot.

  21. there are people that through our efforts are supporting you and thanks to them why you need to be continuing what we want to achieve . we must not give up on people who do not appreciate our efforts

    maricza abigail mena ake


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