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jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2014

Weekly Quote 3A

20 comentarios:

  1. This phrase refers to that as human beings we sometimes good and bad deciciones, because if you want to commit evil acts but tod in this life there is always prosibilidades re4almente achieve what one wants in life you never have to leave by bencido siepre must fight po or you really want in life this sentence is very nice because it actually gives to know things.


  2. sometimes people make bad decisions and then think of the chances that our life would have been if we had made the right decisions but as every problem has a solution to take an initiative and look at the positive things to look forward to troubleshoot or change the type problem we are facing and we are going through when a person sits down to mourn the possibilities that his life had this wasting time and at that time can raise and think that life goes on and take this situation as an experience

  3. This comment makes me think that every decision has a consequence and li happens there happens to know it faced and not give it back.
    Guadalupe Tinal

  4. the end of everything always lose or gain something or someone, but it's not real when we think of the possibilities that we did win or lose aa quella person or that something.
    Marilú Gonzalez montalvo

  5. sometimes we regret we our decisions instead of face and overcome them and actually what we should do is face the CONSEQUENCES of our deciones and risk everything instead of thinking what would have happened if I would have done or attempted

  6. sometimes give us many
    opportunities and we do not regret
    aprobechamos and then and there
    that Probecharlas well although we
    can not by: JULIO EUAN CANCHE

  7. sometimes give us many
    opportunities and we do not regret
    aprobechamos and then and there
    that Probecharlas well although we
    can not
    gabriela colli tzuc

  8. because I think that we should not go unnoticed in life because only once you live and you have to enjoy it, also often for fear we dare not do what we like for fear of criticism or failure , but never dare let us know what we can do
    alondra cuytun

  9. esta frase es muy importante, muy realista ya que como dice algunas veces se nos presentan posibilidades y nos las aprobechamos y esas posibilidades talvez son demasiado importantes y las dejamos ir y cuando ya llegamos a cierto punto de nuestra vida nos damos cuenta de las grandes oportunidades que perdimos porque si la hubieramos tomado tendriamos otras cosas

    Patricia Noemí Koyoc Uc :)

  10. the truth must overcome our fears and move forward , strive and not let roam opportunities
    de teimy aguallo

  11. as in this sentence so I mean I understood we take decisions on occasion and at the end because we only remains to repent of everything we do. and if on occasion we make decisions that really are not correct.

    by: Reyes Chavez

  12. because this phrase is very true that we as people tend to make mistakes and end all we can do is repent to realize that we did something wrong if we can hurt.
    Edith Colli

  13. In your life you can see the mistakes in life we thank you, we are still novices in these things in life, for example I get as an example'm crossing a stage in my life that is very difficult because I made mistakes I am paying with god's help and good people around me will always succeed. att: Teresa Borges Uc

  14. In this sentence I realize that sometimes we make decisions too hasty in our lives without realizing it, we do not see things that sometimes are good, bad or worse but ultimately make those decisions without thinking, repent fully and as remedy we already know but sometimes do not work, but that it should think before taking any decision.
    Claudia Leticia Puc Chay 3ºA

  15. Zugey Tzuc mena: Quote of the day is very short but specific, actually we often take very quick decisions and often we do not think carefully, and because of this in a short time we regret the decisions taken, the truth young people today currently am this way, make or take many decisions without thinking of the possible consequences that may be positive as many times, but others are not. In this new year, I invite you to change and mature a little, improve our life by taking correct and thoughtful decisions. Thanks and see you soon: mean zugey carefully Tzuc 3ºA

  16. Zugey Tzuc mena: Quote of the day is very short but specific, actually we often take very quick decisions and often we do not think carefully, and because of this in a short time we regret the decisions taken, the truth young people today currently am this way, make or take many decisions without thinking of the possible consequences that may be positive as many times, but others are not. In this new year, I invite you to change and mature a little, improve our life by taking correct and thoughtful decisions. Thanks and see you soon: mean zugey carefully Tzuc 3ºA

  17. all the time we regret to us by our own mistakes which we commit and maldecmos when we should not be so because we take ourselves and that we must take much account

  18. the phrase is important because say sorry will not bring us anything good in life as we went we make mistakes in our actions and always end enlamentarnos everything in life as we had the opportunity and the chance to make good deciciones

  19. the phrase is very important to apply it in our lives for erreres we do and be able to correct them and take intoaccount the potential for it encuenta without looking back and acordandolos when we know that the error is cast by ourselves and move forward and learn more about of others.

  20. with this little phrase tells us a lot of fear sometimes we miss things that could be better sometimes have to ariesgarnos to surpass that fear is not good nor bad always have to think about things in the future that will bring us if we take a decision and we go wrong, it's not so bad that you learn from mistakes
    j. alexander cab puc


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