La creación de este espacio virtual tecnológico, se origina por la necesidad de difundir las actividades y la información oficial del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Yucatán Plantel Kinchil, hacia su comunidad estudiantil, padres y madres de familia, tutores, docentes, administrativos, autoridades y a toda la sociedad.

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

Quote 3A

28 comentarios:

  1. I liked this phrase and the truth is very true because sometimes we think we know a person as it is, and will cause tend to criticize it as we believe that is when we know only a minimal part of it and we do not know as actually, because we do not understand as it is inside if not only on the outside, and inside of us where we have more than out.
    Reyes Del Rocio Chavez Medina

  2. I think this sentence is very real, as it reflects aveses how we felt when we do not understand one, I think I like it because I identified with her

  3. the phrase of the day today is very significant because it has too much reason that this phrase could be applied in any case of everyday life. to me personally m implied that if you do not understand something from the beginning because you somehow did not understand it later ... :) very nice teacher phrase.

    KoyOC Uc Patricia Noemí 3°A

  4. I like the phrase that is quite right that clearly says that if you do not understand the silence of people will never be able to understand his words and has too much reason and that is why I agree with the sentence and think it is very nice.
    Andrea esperanza puc balam 3°A


    I understood that if a person wants to show his silence as his silensio but we can not understand and even desir wanted something not grasp

  6. phrase of the week I think he is right, many judge the truth without us before we met or the simle fact be different from them in all respects and that should not be and we should be tolerant of others opinions and tastes ...


  7. The phrase has a learning not, we look for people just being silent and criticize but acerquemosnos them to ask what happens and why it is very quiet if you have any issues, rather than focusing on appearances we coexist with those people who may need someone to confide in or tell their in problems.

  8. This phrase implies that we do not need to count our joys, sorrows and pains because if you really know us will know what is happening with our silence.
    because our silence says more than a thousand words.
    teimy Aguallo Solis .3 ° A

  9. the frace this tratata that you always have to listen to people and always when nececiten we also listen to the people there that week and talk to people.
    GABRIELA RUBI colli Tzuc 3-A

  10. this phrase gives us to understand that we should not necessarily decior people around us what happens to us for them to give us their support. silence as a person is worth a thousand words.
    Maria Aracely Tec Pech. 3 ° A.

  11. This phrase I love so much, it gives me to understand that on many occasions we have many problems and are silent, no one knows what happens to us, which we therefore can not help us, because as the saying goes do not understand us when we are silent, but speaking that's where we understand, so we ask for help for any problems we have, so we can let off steam and get some advice.
    Cielo Guadalupe Koh Medina

  12. this phrase is interesting and can apply in our lives as that phrase implies that we us in difficult situations we feel sad for those problems and that makes us not express what we feel. the people we have around us knows if we will know what really goes conootros.
    Edith Guadalupe Collí Borges 3 ° A

  13. that has much to do today that many people do not understand aveses and have to remain silent
    att: ana chan chac

  14. his thoughts when a person is saved he is worthy of respect but then all think what you want about that person. sometimes only a human being silent out of respect or because they simply do not want to discuss or do not feel like talking. just think if we unguarded instead. ¿Would keep silent or would you say your thinking about something or someone?

  15. .that when a person is silent no esasí to decide upon the way of quiet but it must be understood as it is.
    Ángel Ventura.

  16. I think that a person should not criticize, just because it is quiet, because if you do not know their feelings nor will understand his words.

    Felipe Asución Uc Pech.

  17. because my I liked the phrase because sometimes we think a person is well when in fact wrong or lonely i nosdamos we do not mind what they want to express in their silence i neck beleaguer us to ask what happens or has and if I do not understand his silence us understand your words ..

    carlos ulises cuitun balam

  18. At first it does not understand but when you read it two or three times because we understand what you mean, the truth is something beautiful is a reflection on where people know not to listen to others and can not understand how it feels to I think we should all get to think about the actions of ourselves and try to understand other people so they just listen to us and understand.
    Claudia Leticia Puc Chay 3°A

  19. this is a phrase that makes you think in different ways because there are people who are suffering inside and other people criticize without knowing what we are going through and nadien not know that we want to let off steam to remove critar of everything bad that prevents us be happy thinking that we have built for the things which we live and if you do not understand what we live will not understand how we see life and how we talk to others.

  20. This phrase means that if someone does not get what he really feels bad ase will not know whether to do the right thing, but in fact every human being should get what they really feel and what you never think you have to be quiet things that really feel always look someone help package because many people seeking help can help you but never have to be quiet things that feel


  21. This reflection is attached to the person who does not have confidence in others, an example can be friends who do not understand the problems of others when you express your emotions differently, to be quiet, low grades among other things ; you as a person need to have confidence in your friends because they will always be with you. Trust this person and she atulado or understand your silence.

    Teresa Borges Uc

    This reflection is attached to the person who does not have confidence in others, an example can be friends who do not understand the problems of others when you express your emotions differently, to be quiet, low grades among other things ; you as a person need to have confidence in your friends because they will always be with you. Trust this person and she atulado or understand your silence.

    Teresa Borges Uc

    This reflection is attached to the person who does not have confidence in others, an example can be friends who do not understand the problems of others when you express your emotions differently, to be quiet, low grades among other things ; you as a person need to have confidence in your friends because they will always be with you. Trust this person and she atulado or understand your silence.

    Teresa Borges Uc

    This reflection is attached to the person who does not have confidence in others, an example can be friends who do not understand the problems of others when you express your emotions differently, to be quiet, low grades among other things ; you as a person need to have confidence in your friends because they will always be with you. Trust this person and she atulado or understand your silence.

    Teresa Borges Uc

    This reflection is attached to the person who does not have confidence in others, an example can be friends who do not understand the problems of others when you express your emotions differently, to be quiet, low grades among other things ; you as a person need to have confidence in your friends because they will always be with you. Trust this person and she atulado or understand your silence.

    Teresa Borges Uc

    This reflection is attached to the person who does not have confidence in others, an example can be friends who do not understand the problems of others when you express your emotions differently, to be quiet, low grades among other things ; you as a person need to have confidence in your friends because they will always be with you. Trust this person and she atulado or understand your silence.

    Teresa Borges Uc

    This reflection is attached to the person who does not have confidence in others, an example can be friends who do not understand the problems of others when you express your emotions differently, to be quiet, low grades among other things ; you as a person need to have confidence in your friends because they will always be with you. Trust this person and she atulado or understand your silence.

    Teresa Borges Uc

    This reflection is attached to the person who does not have confidence in others, an example can be friends who do not understand the problems of others when you express your emotions differently, to be quiet, low grades among other things ; you as a person need to have confidence in your friends because they will always be with you. Trust the person next to you and she or he will understand your silence.

    Teresa Borges Uc

  22. Because This phrase tells us something is true is something else inside the person That if there is no patience do not really know what it Means silence says more than words
    javier a. cab puc 3°a

  23. this phrase was great because he's right because many people do not understand us and believe that if you do when they do not know what we feel, but also we judge others without knowing them well we think we know everything and we do not understand when actually what we should do is to understand that others also can understand us.

  24. Today the phrase is quite short but with actual teaching, this phrase makes us think that many times people do not understand, does not understand or comprehend what happens to one criticizes without hearing that is what happens others or because problems happen. So we must listen first what others feel and then talk. Let us be people with values and listen to others, as we want to listen. ZUGEY TZUC MENA 3°A

  25. i think that we should not judge people by how they look or what they do ; because every one has a reason to be as they are and also do not kwon what has happened and one always has his reason to be have in such away
    de alondra cuytun

  26. That if you're quiet no one is going to understand you and the people that yelled deidan will repent and not help you in anything by: julio euan canche

  27. often have to understand saver saver wings for people to hear what happens. a person who is always silent is something we can tell when a person is wrong if we know, we know what your mood. in order not criticize people who are silent because we do not know what they are going through.
    Royer Borgez Tzuc

  28. We must saver to the silence says more than a thousand words we know that a person is wrong when buelve, or simply doesn't feel like anything. Not to criticise dashing individuals, who barely speak because I don't actually know what happened or are going on.
    Royer Borgez Tzuc


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